Birth Control 101 Free Training:

In this 60-minute free training we'll cover:

  • The best ways to prevent pregnancy
  • An overview of the most popular hormonal birth control options as well as non-hormonal birth control devices
  • A breakdown of the pros and cons of all of the birth control options discussed
  • An introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).
  • The pros and cons of FAM
  • How to practice FAM, and what you need to know to get started
  • A Q&A at the end

This class is for anyone looking to...

  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Understand how different birth controls work
  • Learn the side effects that can accompany certain birth control medications and devices
  • Be empowered with information on all forms of birth control so you can make the best choice for your unique body and life circumstances.
  • Learn more about hormone free birth control methods

This free training is agenda free. The intention is to educate and empower.

Join us for this free training and learn all the different birth control modalities available to you.


Why do we teach this stuff?

Because you're a grown ass adult and we believe you deserve all the facts so you can make decisions for yourself.

About Jenna Longoria, FDN-P, HHP

Jenna Longoria aka The Period Guru, is a board certified functional nutrition practitioner specializing in women’s hormones. She was listed by The Huffington Post as one of the top 20 new health writers to follow in 2017. Her work has been featured in Mind Body Green, NBC, The Elephant Journal, SXSW and she is the author of The Period Solution: 28-Day Hormone Balancing Guide                                  

Through her virtual private practice, Jenna helps women reclaim their hormones and digestive health with a multidisciplinary approach combining functional medicine, nutrition, and diagnostic lab testing in her results driven 1:1 Root Cause Program and her group program, The Period Solution. Jenna is a firm believer that the right diet and lifestyle can put any hormonal condition into remission.


About Chloe Skerlak, HRHP, FAE

Chloe is a Justisse Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and Certified Fertility Awareness Educator. She has made teaching fertility awareness her profession because she wants women and people with cycles to regain their sexual and reproductive sovereignty, become advocates for their own health, and live vibrant, healthy lives. She always loves salsa dancing and full moon bathing. 

So...are you in?

Join us for this training and learn all about the different birth control options out there so you can put your mind at ease and feel confident in your choices.

Please note that by registering you are giving permission for your email to be shared with both Jenna Longoria and Chloe Skerlak.